Friday, August 04, 2006


More Paris

So, since we didn't do too much yesterday we decided to pack in a lot today. We started out this AM with a ride on the metro, then we went to Brian's school (Notre Dame). We had a delicious lunch and gelato on the Ile St. Louis and then walked down the Latin District (no latino's thank god, just named that because the educated people who spoke Latin used to meet there and drink and do educated things). After that we went and toured St. Chapelle which was beautiful. We went in the Concierge (prison where most of the Revolution prisoners were held before having heads chopped off, including Marie Antoinette and Robespierre). After that we had a little break and ate a crepe and got a delicious coke (it tasted so goood...i dont know why) and then went to the Musee D'Orsay (huge impressionist collection; impressionists are my favorite by the way). Got to see Degas and his little ballerina's, Monet and his girl with an umbrella and some water lillies, and a bunch of other stuff). I decided i hate people who take lots of pictures of paintings because they just make the museum so freakin touristy. I mean, there are hundreds of pictures online...just write down the name of the piece you like. I think most of them just want to prove that they saw it. (because i'm always saying "whatever...i dont believe you really went to paris and saw the mona lisa" when people say they did. you better have a picture to prove it or i wont believe you).

I also am amazed at how much Europeans smoke. I thought it was crazy comparing the North and South, but I'm pretty sure that Phillip Morris and RJ Reynolds are kept alive by Europeans. it really is amazing...everyone smokes. If they aren't smoking they are a tourist.

Also, I am tired of asians. They all travel in huge tour groups and jibber jabber in the ching chang chong. They take tons of pictures but never smile. They dart in and out of places like a bumblebee. I know that's probably incredibly racist but you spend 3 weeks traveling in europe with tons of asians and you tell me how you feel. It's like being in disney world except you can't escape to dumbo's flying elephant ride. You have no idea how much i'm looking forward to gettin a little redneck at the Fiddlers Convention.

Anyways, the Louvre is open till 9:45 tonight so we're going to grab a quick bite to eat from a stand and then go hit the louvre during dinnertime (supposed to be less crowded). I think we're going to stay in paris for the weekend and see what we get done, do Versailles tomorrow, and then if we have time head for a quick daytrip on Monday to Bayeux and check out a few sites if we can. Anyways, au revoir or something like that.

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