Monday, August 07, 2006


Last Day

Well, today was very nice. Went to Bayeux and then to the American Cemetary for D-Day which was probably one of, if not the, most amazing things we've done this whole trip. It actually makes you swell with pride for America and her history, even when our country seems to be pretty divided on a number of issues. It was a long trip just for an hour at the cemetary but it was definitely worth it. I only wish I got to see more stuff at the beaches, but I'll leave that for another trip.

Put up a link to some of the pictures here. I'll be fixing the pictures (i.e. the ones that are turned the wrong way) and adding captions when I get back to the states so if you care about that check up on it in a few days (probably Sunday night).

Had an interesting trip there and back nonetheless. We decided that it's just something about Paris - no matter what you do or how hard you try you're going to miss flights, trains, metro stops, etc...and you're going to see lots of interesting people along the way. It's been a great trip and i've had a blast but i can honestly say (and griffin echoes these thoughts) that I can't wait to be back in America. Excited about bbq, mexican food, speaking english and being understood completely, cooking for myself, and sleeping in my own bed, oh... and not having to carry my 50 lb backpack. We leave here at 11:20 tomorrow (5:20 Eastern USA Time) and arrive in Raleigh at 6:10 USA time after a layover in ATL. Hopefully we'll get some real food and i will be extremely glad to be back (until I have to start writing that 40 page MAP...). It's been fun - thanks for keeping up with me. Hopefully see some of you soon. Au revoir, Europe!


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