Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Hello Europe - Scott's here!

Oh wow so that was the freakin longest flight ever. I left Raleigh at 2 yesterday and got to Venice this morning at 10 am local time (aka 4 am; 14 hours of travel). i'm surprisingly awake for having gotten 1 or 2 hours of crappy air plane sleep. I can't wait to sleep, but its early!

Edit - 3:22 pm (Venice Time)
Okay, so its a fight to stay awake. Griffin and I went around the city and checked out some of the major sites but no serious sightseeing or touristy things yet. I had a delicious piece of pizza for lunch and a cappucino to keep me going strong. Picking out lots of things that I want to do while we're here so i'm sure it'll be a good time while we're here. I'm still trying to decide if I want to do a daytrip and if so, where to go (Rome, Milan, Florence, Italian Alpine hiking, orsome random place off the beaten path. Anyways, I think we're going to try and hit up a Vivaldi concerto sometime this week and maybe go to a similar thing in Verona(is concerto the right word? what's the difference between concerto and concert? O?).

BTW - The Guys have started a "bring Zach Dresser home" campaign. Buy your rainbow ribbon to support the return of Zach Dresser from hostile enemy territory to the bible belt of East Tennessee. $2 - mail to scott.

Time for a dip in the Grand Canal. haha not.

Glad to see you're enjoying your trip there Scottie. I'm sure the plane ride was rather mundane. Hope you get some good sleep sometime soon, good buddy.

Also, the Bring Zach Home Fund is going strong. I sent the gang a visual of the enemey. So, you'll need to check your email to see it.

Take care and enjoy your trip.

Scott, My first time in Venice I got really really lost for about 2 hours -- but I love every minute of it. I would avoid contact with the Grand Canal water as much as you can.

Ok -- quick Music history lesson. Today a 'Concerto' is a work that features a solo intsrument, a group of instruments, or a section. As in the time of Vivaldi the term 'concerto' was used to to identify the size of the orchestra. Most often intended for church.

There -- I knew I got that degree for somthing.

HT -- Bax
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