Monday, July 24, 2006


Gelaterias are better

Last night was fun - we had a great dinner at Taverna San Trovaso and then went to Campo Santa Margherita, which is a square with a bunch of bars and a little nightlife. It was quite fun...we had a tower of beer (picture to come) and griffin had a tasty bellini. We hung out for a while and a few of the law school guys tried to pick up random americans in Venice (some artist from New York, law students from tulane & Loyola New Orleans that were in for the weekend).

Anyways, Sunday I slept in which was very nice. It's been so hot that we've been getting up early and trying to do stuff in the morning and then taking the afternoons off to chill out (griffin has a little air conditioner in her room and my hotel is fully air conditioned - needless to say we've watched our fair share of 24). We did some things around the house and griffin talked to her mom for a while and then we decided to go check out some churches. We only got to one (Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari) before they all closed. However, we did make sure to get Gelato on the way there (Gelato is amazing - i have had it in the US but for some reason it's much better over here, but only if you go to the good gelateria places and not the cheap gelato stands). After the churh we got granita's (slurpies) and Jon (one of the law students) got a mint one - it was nasty. Anyways, we decided to Restaurant San Trovaso (same as the tavern just without pizza and in a different building) for dinner. It was so good - we keep going to this place because a) i want to try out lots of different meals and they are very good and b)not only is it good but it's cheap and the waiters are fun. Anyways, I had the Spaghetti Carbonara which was great - one of my favorites. One of the Law Girls has a friend in and she came out to dinner with us and come to find out her cousin is little Pete (danny tamborelli) from Pete and Pete - which has inspired us to take a trip to New York to party with him. Apparently he hangs out with some of the kids from All That (the non funny ones).

Anyways, we're about to head out to do San Marco (the basilica) and the Doges Palace (the quintessential Venice things to do). Don't forget to check out the pictures (i put up new ones today). Ciao!

I will delete your face.

Also, Orbitz/El AL have no compassion for ticket changes. Parents are freaking out, as usual, so they bought me a new ticket home for the 31st for $1500. They can't afford that.

Keep having fun in Europe, and be glad you didn't have the bright idea to live in Israel for the summer.

wow...screw orbitz. what a crappy place. i'll never buy from them again, or el al. Sorry you've had a disturbing time in israel, but i guess it's an experience that most people can't say they have. Next time i see you i will buy your beer all night. Sorry the trip sucked but i'm very glad you'll be back in america soon. later gator
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