Thursday, July 27, 2006


Ciao Venezia!

Well, last night here. Off to Cinque Terre this afternoon (probably before most of yall wake up back in the staties). Finally put my postcards in the box today. Took a gondola ride and had a wonderful dinner - can see pictures here. Lots of food, wine, drinks, and fun. I also checked...I've taken 312 pictures in Venice. I think that number will only increase as we travel places. Alright I'm tired and off to bed...I'll write a little more in the AM.

Also, was reading on CNN a while ago and read this story. This justifies another reason why i dont buy my gas from anything owned/operated by Exxon - they sure as hell don't need my money. I like the part where they say they make enough money in a SECOND to drive from New York to LA 3 times.

EDIT: It's the morning, we're packing. Griffin has a somewhat small amount of stuff considering she's been here for almost 2 1/2 months. Last night Derrin and Duncan jumped into the canal (eww) so i'm fully expecting their skin to start rotting off within the next few weeks. Anyways, hopefully we'll be able to find some internet on our journey and update everyone with pictures and stories, but who knows. We're going to check everyone out and then grab a cappucino and hit the road jack. Ciao!

so last night rachel was watching the movie stepmom and discovered that it is the movie that starts out with under pressure. mystery solved.

ps exxon is making record profits because the price of crude oil has skyrocketed due to the demand growth outpacing supply growth over the past couple of years. this is caused by (a)economic expansion in brazil, russia, india, and china (b)opec limiting production to keep prices high.

if exxon chose to sell oil products at lower prices, their supply would be bought up immediately, and then their prices would be higher than they are currently because as we all know, as supply goes down, price goes up. its all supply and demand... if they dont sell their oil at the price the market demands, everyone loses.

as you can see, exxon isnt making these record profits by screwing the american public or its employees. that being said, buy stock in exxon if you think theyre going to continue raking in the dough.

pps happy birthday to me
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